
Single Source for Premium Goods

Tumbler is the Leader in supplying Duty-Free Goods along the Southern Border.

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Duty Free Goods for your Retail Store!

Tumbler has the brands you want at the prices you need.

Full Portfolio

Tumbler carries a full range of goods, from premium wine and spirits to snack bars. You can fill your store with luxury watches, cosmetics, perfumes and more with Tumbler.

Leading Brands

Tumbler has relationships with the category leaders. We offer the #1 or #2 brand in each category, ensuring you are offering only the best, most popular items to your customers.

Full Coverage

From sea to shining sea, we support all of your locations. Centrally located in Texas, we are optimally placed for to support operators along the Southern Border.


We know Customs and Border Protection - rules and procedures. We store and ship in bond, direct to your store or warehouse.

How can we help?

We have a dedicated support team ready to answer your questions. Feel free to contact us to provide some feedback on our service, give us suggestions for new products, or to just say howdy!

Say Howdy

(915) 242-2135

221 N Kansas Street, El Paso, TX 79901



©2019 Tumbler Distribution LLC